How to install and configure supervisor on Centos 7 to run Laravel Queue

How to install and configure supervisor on Centos 7 to run Laravel Queue

Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems. It is used to control processes related to a project.

In this article, we would explain you how to configure supervisor daemon to run laravel queue. So let start with the installation process:-

Step 1:- Install the easy_install dependencies on your system.

easy_install supervisor

Step 2:- Enter the following command to install the supervisor on your system.

yum install supervisor

Now you have successfully installed supervisor on your centos 7 System.

Step 3:- Edit the supervisor configuration file which is located in the following directory.

vi /etc/supervisord.conf
command=php /path/to/ queue:work 
     command = path of the project queue work.
     stdout_logfile = path of the log directory where supervisor log files is created.

Step 4: To autorun on system bootup, enter the command as follows:-

systemctl enable supervisord

To restart the supervisord service run the following command:-

systemctl restart supervisord

Congrats, now you have successfully configured the supervisor daemon with laravel queue.

centosHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 commandsHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 FAQHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 questionsHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 screenshotsHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 step-by-step guideHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 TutorialHow To Install and configure daemon for supervisor on CentOS7 video tutorial
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