January 22, 2025

How Windows and Chrome quietly made 2019 the year of Linux on the desktop

After so many year’s of jokes, 2019 is finally the year of Linux desktop, even for Laptops too!! But most of the people don’t know it that bone of the Linux Operating System Kernel will soon be backed into windows 10 operating system. Last year Microsoft already gives the hint when they introduce the PowerShell.

PowerShell was introduced in Microsoft for the system administrators so that they can easily execute the bash commands in Microsoft Windows 10. The benefit of the PowerShell command is that they let you manage computers from the command line. It also provides let you access data stores such as registry, and filesystem.

Even Chromebooks had initiated that they go with Linux kernel since ChromeOS has built on top of Linux distributions. During Google I/O developer conference this week, Google has pledged that all Chromebook will be able to run Linux apps, regardless of whatever hardware you are using, it will be compatible with all the processor like Intel, AMD or ARM. You will be able to run all Linux apps like LibreOffice and GIMP out of the box.

Normal users will not be able to understand, but 2019 finally will be the year of Linux on the desktop!!

Vedant Kumar

Currently I'm working as an Implementation Engineer, Started my career as an System Administrator - Linux. Additionally loves to explore new technologies and research about new open-source software that ease the development cycle.

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